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"Thank you for your support of the Appraisal Institute and for allowing us to serve you. As I promised when I began this work, we are listening and learning from members, users of appraisal services, and key real estate stakeholders, taking swift and incisive steps to ensure that the best of the Appraisal Institute is reinforced and expanded. I have reorganized the Appraisal Institute staff to more sharply focus on AI's strategic goals, improve operational efficiency and effectiveness, and move forward with transparency, accountability, collaboration, continuous improvement and professional conduct and service. We look forward to continuing to serve you in 2024." Cindy Chance, CEO



The Appraisal Institute strives to position AI professionals for success, focusing on key strategic goals:
  • Protecting and increasing the value of affiliation;
  • Ensuring that Appraisal Institute professionals will be consistently sought out by users of valuation services;
  • Providing new opportunities for AI professionals to identify and gain knowledge to enhance their professional services;
  • Providing leadership toward a unified and inclusive profession with diverse perspectives;
  • Increasing the breadth and diversity of individuals new to affiliation and diversity among AI leadership;
  • Working to eliminate irrelevant and inappropriate barriers to entry into the profession; and
  • Increasing opportunities to obtain relevant experience in the profession.


We Look Forward to an Exciting 2024

The year ahead includes advancements in the following initiatives:

We continuously protect the interests of appraisers, successfully advancing appraiser liability limitation measures in Arizona and Florida this year, while working to simplify the complex appraiser regulatory structure through the Portal for Appraisal Licensing (PAL) Act, H.R. 2771 and S. 2692.

AI Advocacy

Our updated website provides easier access to high-quality education, professional resources, and opportunities to engage with peers and get involved with the organization. Stay informed with changes in the appraisal profession through our curated Newsroom.

Visit Our Newsroom

AI PAREA will create opportunities for diverse aspiring appraisers seeking a pathway into the profession, allow AI membership the potential to hire valuers who have been thoroughly trained by one of your fellow Appraisal Institute Professionals and help secure the future of AI and the valuation profession.

Learn About AI PAREA

We are amplifying DE&I initiatives and partnerships to bring about positive change, including improving diversity within the profession through the Appraiser Diversity Initiative in collaboration with Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the National Urban League.

AI provides key information to assist and elevate you while maintaining a robust suite of valuable programs, products and services. Don’t miss benefits like the following:

Education Discounts

Up to a 30% discount on our comprehensive catalog of courses and seminars.
Explore AI Courses

Book Discounts

At least a 20% discount on nearly 70 AI books.
Explore Our Publications

Industry Tools and Savings

Savings on, or access to, key industry tools and resources and insurance products.
Industry Tools & Resources
Find an appraiser
Business support for practicing valuers through your listing in our Directory.
Find an Appraiser Now!

Lum Research Library

Access to specialized information, including the Lum Research Library.
Learn About The Lum Library

Professional Practice

Assistance with professional practice inquiries and AI’s Ethics and Standards.
Professional Practice Resources


Networking opportunities at the national and local levels.
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If you need help or additional information on how to pay your dues online, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help!