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THANK YOU . . . your membership means the world to us!

We have enacted the following changes to renewals in 2025:

  • No annual CPI increase in national dues this year.
  • No more late fees.
  • Associate Members and Candidates for Designation will now pay the same national dues rate of $400.
  • Elimination of pro-rated, add-on dues for Designated Members achieving an additional designation only in the year they achieved that additional designation between February and October.


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We strive to position our members for success with One AI Advocacy

Defending the profession. The Appraisal Institute is the only professional organization defending and promoting real estate appraisers in Washington, D.C. and the states.   

Streamlining licensing. The Appraisal Institute strongly supports all efforts to create efficiencies in the state-based licensing and education approval process, including the Portal for Appraiser Licensing (PAL) Act currently pending in Congress. 

Promoting transparency. The Appraisal Institute believes that consumers deserve to know how each and every dollar that they are paying in real estate transaction costs is being allocated.   

Limiting liability. The Appraisal Institute supports the passage of appraiser-centric statutes of limitations that provide certainty to practitioners that they cannot be sued after a specified period of time.   

Eliminating barriers to entry. AI works regularly with all industry stakeholders to identify and overcome licensing requirements that serve as unnecessary barriers to entry into the profession.  

Invest in 2025 . . . the Future is Now!

Your continued support ensures AI can keep moving forward together. 


The Appraisal Institute advocates the interests of its members and the broader profession, making sure your voice is heard on Capitol Hill, in the state houses and in your local communities by forming strong coalitions at state and federal levels while focusing on numerous issues critical to appraisers. 

With our One AI Advocacy guiding principles, we have identified six advocacy priorities that help our team set goals and guide our day-to-day work. 

Understand Advocacy

New Series

Every first and third Thursday of the month, the Appraisal Institute is gathering experts to share their knowledge and answer your pressing questions in our new webinar series, Trending Topics

This series is designed to empower the appraisal community and curious professionals in related industries, offering diverse perspectives on the topics that matter most to appraisers in the moment. 

Watch Trending Topics


Are you working to become a real estate appraiser but finding it challenging to meet the experience requirements? We’ve got you covered. Struggling to find the right mentor? We’ll choose one for you.

The Appraisal Institute Practical Applications of Real Estate Appraisal (PAREA) program, is a standardized and convenient approach to gaining the experience you need to become a real estate appraiser.

Consider PAREA


We are amplifying DE&I initiatives and partnerships to bring about positive change, including improving diversity within the profession through the Appraiser Diversity Initiative in collaboration with Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the National Urban League.

The Appraiser Diversity Initiative is the premier nationwide program designed to attract new entrants to the real estate appraisal field while fostering diversity in the profession.

Explore ADI

Stay up-to-date with your membership and enjoy all of the benefits, resources and opportunities that come with being part of our organization.


Developed by leading experts from both the marketplace and academia, AI's best-in-class education is unsurpassed in quality. Your membership saves you up to 30% on a comprehensive catalog of appraisal education offered in-person, on demand and live-online.
Explore AI Courses


Our award-winning periodicals and books establish appraisal industry knowledge and advance thought leadership. Your membership saves you at least 20% on a diverse portfolio of valuation books. 
Explore Our Publications

Industry Tools and Software

Leverage exclusive member discounts on professional tools and appraisal software while taking advantage of resources like market data sources and our AI Reports® pre-designed appraisal report forms.
Industry Tools & Resources
Find an appraiser
Garnering thousands of hits each week, AI’s online Find an Appraiser directory boosts your exposure to potential clients. Find an Appraiser Now!

Lum Research Library

With exclusive 24/7 online access to a vast database of information—including articles, bibliographies, books, market research and data—find answers to your questions to bolster your daily work!
Learn About The Lum Library

Professional Practice

Being held to the highest ethical standards, clients trust your competency and integrity with access to AI’s Professional Practices library and ethics & counseling service providing you with answers to your most pressing standards and ethics questions. 
Professional Practice Resources


AI’s vibrant community of chapters helps build professional reputations, connecting members with peers and industry leaders to generate valuable connections and expand business opportunities in the spirit of collaboration and increased visibility.
Get Connected

Thank you for your membership. Please renew today!

contact center happy to help

Have Questions?

Appraisal Institute
200 W. Madison
Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60606