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    Become an Appraisal Institute Key Contact

    The Appraisal Institute’s Key Contact program is a national network of appraisers who have an established relationship with a member of Congress (or who would be willing to build one), and who would be willing to maintain those positive relationships through advocacy on AI’s policy priorities throughout the year.

    By signing up to be an AI Key Contact, you commit to do at least one of the following this year:

    In addition to LDAC, AI staff will be considering a series of “fly-in” meetings as needed, as an opportunity for AI Key Contacts to travel to Washington, D.C., receive a briefing on important policy developments, and meet with their members of Congress. Face-to-face visits are the first, important step toward building a meaningful relationship with a member of Congress.

    Many people forget that their members of Congress spend a lot of time at home, in their districts, listening to their constituents’ concerns. In fact, Congress is generally only in session Tuesday through Thursday during the week to allow members the time they need to travel back home. AI can help you arrange your visit and prepare you to discuss legislative issues that affect your ability to provide the highest quality care to your patients.

    You can make a very positive impression at a town hall meeting if you attend prepared with a thoughtful question and a reasonable argument to defend your position. You may get more attention than you would expect, because the member of Congress will appreciate the opportunity to have a meaningful conversation with a constituent.

    Another way to build a relationship with your members of Congress is to invite them to join you on an appraisal assignment. This is a great way to help your members of Congress understand what an appraiser does. AI staff can assist you with planning and hosting this.

    Of course, a big part of a politician’s job is making sure that they have a job in the coming years. To do that, they must raise money and campaign. Once you have developed a relationship with your members of Congress, you may decide to support them in an upcoming election by hosting a fundraising event.

    AI members are eligible to contribute to AI PAC, the only federal political action committee representing appraisers on Capitol Hill. AI PAC supports the election campaigns of Congressional candidates who understand and are committed to the principles to which the appraisal profession is dedicated. You can find more information about the AI PAC here.

    To sign up to be an AI Key Contact, click here.