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    get involved with ai professionals

    Get Involved

    Connect with the Appraisal Institute and give back to the valuation profession.

    Looking for Ways to Get Involved?

    We value your voice! Your contributions are an important part in furthering our mission to empower valuation professionals. Expand your skill set and find the volunteering opportunity that matches your area of interest.

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    Join a Committee

    Your voice matters! Join a committee to make an impact in an area of the profession that speaks to you.

    Learn More about AI Committees
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    Publish With Us

    Help us provide the information valuation professionals need to succeed! Submit an article for our journal or magazine, or write a book.

    View Publishing Opportunities
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    Provide Education

    Join us in delivering best-in-class education. Share your knowledge and experience; develop, review or teach AI education progams.

    Get Involved with AI Education
    Did you know?

    Becoming a Candidate Advisor

    If you’re a Designated Member, you can serve as a crucial resource and support system for Candidates for Designation by becoming a Candidate Advisor.

    You can also earn AI Continued Education (AI CE) for your service.

    Local Opportunities

    Keep a pulse on valuation news in your area by connecting with your local chapter. You can also network with professionals in your community, conveniently attend education programs, and more.

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    Connect With Your Chapter

    Find the connections, resources and support you need, close to home, at your local chapter.

    See the Chapter Directory
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    Attend a Chapter Offering

    Check with your local chapter for upcoming seminars and training sessions in our Course Catalog.

    Browse Course Catalog for Chapter Offerings
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    Nominate a Volunteer of Distinction

    Honor a colleague for their service to the Appraisal Institute, the valuation profession and their local community.

    Submit a Nomination
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    Celebrating Our Professional Community

    Appraisal Institute Awards

    Learn About Our Awards and Recipients

    The J. Scott Robinson Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to the AI Professional who best demonstrated high ethical standards; contributed to the Appraisal Institute; provided service to his or her community; and contributed to the appraisal profession.

    The William S. Harps DEI Award recognizes AI Professionals who exemplify the value of diversity, equity and inclusion in the valuation profession.

    The Outstanding Service Award is presented to an AI Professional who contributed ideas, service hours and dedication to ensure a specific program or effort is implemented.

    The Women’s Initiative SPOTLIGHT Award recognizes an AI Professional who has made an important contribution to fostering the growth of women in the valuation profession.