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    Attend a Meeting or Event

    Three people talking

    Make key connections in your local community!

    Chapters offer education programs and events, and provide you the opportunity to gain leadership skills and give back to your community. Attend networking and social events with your local chapter.

    attend a chapter event

    Joint Region Meeting and Chapter Leadership Program (CLP)

    At the Joint Region Meeting AI's national and region leadership will share all things Appraisal Institute. The Chapter Leadership Program is where Appraisal Institute chapter leaders come together from across the country to learn, network and begin to plan a successful 2025.

    Kansas City, MO — Save the Dates

    Joint Region Meeting, September 30
    Chapter Leadership Program, October 1

    LDAC attendees

    Attend the Leadership Development and Advisory Council (LDAC)

    LDAC is a group of dedicated appraisers who come together annually in Washington, D.C., to develop solutions to the latest challenges facing the valuation profession.

    Connect with attendees, make your voice heard by lawmakers, and use the event as a springboard for future leadership with AI.

    Save the date for LDAC 2024, May 15-17!

    AI attendees listening to speaker

    Expand Your Professional World

    When you attend in-person events, you can:

    • Share best practices.
    • Stay apprised of changes in the profession.
    • Gain strategies for current challenges.
    • Learn ways to expand your practice.
    • Connect with future employers, or employees.
    • Take advantage of leadership opportunities.
    • Give back to your local community.

    Unlock the potential to build stronger professional relationships and grow your practice.