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    International Resources

    Fostering Connections Around the World

    The Appraisal Institute community includes more than 16,000 professionals in almost 50 countries!

    Our extensive knowledge base includes globally recognized research and publications, and our cutting-edge education addresses challenges and strategies to help you succeed.

    Explore our international resources below.

    AI offers the gold standard in real property valuation education, with programs created by practicing appraisers to incorporate real-world experience and strategies. Our programs are provided in a variety of formats, with many that can be accessed online.

    Learn More about AI education opportunities!

    Our mission is to provide our professionals with the connections and benefits they need to expand their careers, including the opportunity to pursue advanced designations.

    If your primary residence or business is outside the United States, its territories and Canada, you’ll receive a 25% discount on annual dues. Student Affiliate and  Associate Member are our most popular categories for international professionals.

    Connect with valuation organizations outside the United States and network with your peers at conferences around the world.

    The International Valuation Standards Council issued its International Valuation Standards in 2021.

    We have developed a course to help you understand how these standards affect real estate: International Valuation Standards Overview

    AI Professionals can get a free copy of the International Valuation Standards by visiting

    Enter promotion code appraisalinsti when signing up.

    ACOBIR Panamanian Association of Real Estate Brokers and Promoters

    AIC Appraisal Institute of Canada

    ANEVAR Romanian National Association of Authorized Evaluators

    API Australian Property Institute

    Baltic Valuation Conference

    CREVA China Real Estate Valuers and Agents Association

    Expo Real

    FECOVAL Federation of Colleges of Appraisers

    FIABCI International Real Estate Federation

    FIG International Federation of Surveyors

    HypZert Accredited certification body for real estate valuers in Germany

    IPMS International Property Measurement Standards

    IVSC International Valuation Standards Council

    JAREA Japan Association of Real Estate Appraisers

    KREB Korea Real Estate Board

    PINZ Property Institute of New Zealand

    TEGOVA The European Group of Valuers' Associations

    UPAV Pan American Union of Valuation Associations

    WAVO World Association of Valuation Organizations
    appraiser with notepad
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