Real Estate Analyst PDP FAQs
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The courses below make up the Real Estate Analyst Professional Development Program. Additional courses may be added to the program as relevant information develops on the topic. This ensures that you are up to date with the most current information available.
- Advanced Market Analysis & Highest and Best Use
- Quantitative Analysis
- Advanced Income Capitalization
No, there are no other requirements.
No. Anyone may take the courses.
No. While the content in 510 is similar to the current Advanced Income Capitalization course and 520 is similar to the current Advanced Market Analysis & Highest and Best Use course, the overall content was updated, Excel applications were added, and before you are allowed to enroll in the courses, you’re required to take an Excel course, Excel Applications for Valuation, to ensure you have the skills to be successful in the course.
Any AI professional who previously took Advanced Income Capitalization (510) and/or Highest and Best Use and Market Analysis (520) can satisfy the requirements for the current Advanced Income Capitalization (501GD) and Advanced Market Analysis & Highest and Best Use (500GD) by challenging and passing those exams. If you successfully pass the exams, you’ll have satisfied those course requirements for the Real Estate Analysis program.
510-Advanced Income Capitalization retired January 31, 2011. 520-Highest & Best Use and Market Analysis retired in 2007.
The three courses in the program are offered in the classroom and synchronously. They are not offered as online/on-demand programs.
The Real Estate Analyst Professional Development Program’s Registry is located on AI’s website (Real Estate Registry). It lists the names of Designated Members, Candidates for Designation, Associate Members, Affiliate Members, or other individuals who have successfully completed the courses (attended and passed the examinations) in the Real Estate Analyst program. Placement on the Registry shows potential clients and employers that these individuals have obtained knowledge on this specialized topic.
No, you will need to opt in to be placed on the Registry. The opt-in link appears on the “My Professional Development Program Registries” page. To reach this page, go to your “My Profile” page and click on “My Registries.”
Yes. AI CE credit for Designated Members, Candidates for Designation, and Associate Members will receive the following points:
- Advanced Market Analysis & Highest and Best Use : 375 points (attend and pass the exam); 325 points (pass exam only); 275 (attend only)
- Quantitative Analysis: 375 points (attend and pass the exam); 325 (pass exam only); 275 points (attend only)
- Advanced Income Capitalization: 375 points (attend and pass the exam); 325 (pass exam only); 275 points (attend only)

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