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    General Appraiser Site Valuation and Cost Approach

    More Info Register
    May 13-16, 2025 Indianapolis, IN
    May 13-16, 2025
    8:00AM - 5:00PM (EST)
    Hoosier State Chapter
    Egis (F/K/A BLN)
    8320 Craig Street
    Indianapolis, IN 46250
    Stephen S. Wagner, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS
    Class Time
    27 hours
    Exam Time
    3 Hours
    Full Price
    AI Price
    Enroll by April 27 and save $15!
    View Pricing Options
    Course Description
    This is a practical, hands-on course that concerns two basic aspects of real estate appraisal: land/site valuation and the development of the cost approach. Extensive use of problems and case studies will give you practice in applying site valuation and cost approach methods learned in previous courses. Special attention is given to the appraisal of various types of sites and the various means of measuring depreciation. Two in-depth case studies are presented. The first case study addresses the valuation of an industrial property and demonstrates the fundamentals of site valuation, estimation of current improvement cost, and various methods of recognizing and measuring depreciation. The second case study is a short one, featuring valuation of a residential subject site using the sales comparison approach, extraction, interview techniques, and information provided by professional cost data sources.


    Who Should Enroll
    Those seeking general real property appraiser certification
    AI CE Points
    Attend & Pass Exam:
    Pass Only:
    State Approvals
    State QE/CE Course & Exam Course Only Exam Only Delivery Format Approval Format Start Date Expire Date State Code
    AK CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 05/10/2027 19943
    AK QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 05/10/2027 19943
    AR CE 28 28 Classroom Classroom 11/20/2023 11/19/2025
    AR QE 30 28 2 Classroom Classroom 11/20/2023 11/19/2025
    AZ CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 68673
    AZ QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 68673
    CA CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 04/16/2023 04/15/2027 19CP754601370
    CA QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 04/16/2023 04/15/2027 19CP754601370
    CO CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 2705
    CO QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 2705
    CT CE 18 18 Classroom Classroom 03/12/2025 07/20/2027 AAL.001375
    CT QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 11/13/2024 07/20/2027 APR.000363
    DC CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 02/29/2024 02/28/2026 3773
    DC QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 02/29/2024 02/28/2026 4003
    DE CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 68673
    DE QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 68673
    FL QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 04/07/2024 04/06/2026 10162
    IA CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 06/18/2026 A518-2117
    IA CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 06/18/2026 A518-2118
    IA QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 06/18/2026 A518-2119
    ID CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 05/08/2028
    ID QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 05/08/2028
    IL CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 01/01/2023 12/31/2026 575.010346
    IL QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 01/01/2023 12/31/2026 573.000675
    IN CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 68673
    IN QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 68673
    KS CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 01/01/2025 12/31/2025 196.C25.R
    KS QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 01/01/2025 12/31/2025 316.P25.R
    KY CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 07/01/2024 05/30/2025
    KY QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/01/2024 05/30/2025
    MA CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/20/2024 07/20/2027 00120072
    MA CE 28 28 Classroom Classroom 07/20/2024 07/20/2027 00120073
    MA QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/20/2024 07/20/2027 00120072
    MA QE 30 28 2 Classroom Classroom 07/20/2024 07/20/2027 00120072
    MD CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 68673
    MD QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 68673
    ME CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 68673
    ME QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 68673
    MI CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/21/2027 20-708624
    MI QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 06/25/2027 20-1220426
    MN CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 05/01/2023 04/30/2025 1027362
    MN CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 05/01/2023 04/30/2025 1027361
    MN QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 05/01/2023 04/30/2025 1027312
    MO CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027
    MO QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027
    MS CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 07/25/2024 07/24/2026 MAB #50131
    MS QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/25/2024 07/24/2026 MAB #50131
    MT CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 08/20/2024 07/20/2027 REA-CEC-REC-18208
    MT QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 08/20/2024 07/20/2027 REA-CEC-REC-18208
    NC QE 30 28 2 Classroom Classroom 01/01/2025 12/31/2025
    ND CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 05/08/2028 QE-222009
    ND QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 05/08/2028 QE-222009
    NJ CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 02/20/2025 02/20/2028 2025-3004
    NJ QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 02/20/2025 02/20/2028 2025-3004
    NM CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 01/30/2026 REAB #4184 Course #3003
    NM CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 01/30/2026 REAB #4184 Course #3003
    NM QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 01/30/2026 REAB #4184 Course #3003
    NV CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 09/30/2024 09/30/2025 CE.0009871-A
    NY QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 10/01/2024 09/30/2025 Q0213-G6
    OH CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 01/01/2025 12/31/2025 084504603A 25
    OH QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 68673
    OK CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 08/08/2024 07/20/2027 633
    OK CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 08/08/2024 07/20/2027 633
    OK QE 30 28 2 Classroom Classroom 08/08/2024 07/20/2027 633
    PA CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 01/30/2026
    PA QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 01/30/2026
    PR CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 68673
    PR QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 68673
    RI CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 REA.0002220-CE
    RI QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 REA.0002220-CE
    SC CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 09/01/2024 08/31/2026 AC . 1783
    SC QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 09/01/2024 08/31/2026 AC . 1783
    SD CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/17/2023 05/05/2026 SD 693
    SD QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 03/04/2022 04/15/2027 SD 693, SD 714
    TN CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 02/08/2023 03/31/2027 00002275, 2275
    TN QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 02/08/2023 03/31/2027 00002275, 2275
    TX CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 01/30/2024 01/30/2026 TX Provider #:10 Course #48021
    TX QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 09/17/2024 07/20/2027 TX Provider #:8038 Course # 50065
    UT CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 05/01/2023 04/30/2025 AC230419
    UT QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 05/01/2023 08/31/2025 AQ210428
    VA CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 68673
    VA QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 06/01/2023 05/31/2025 4006000833
    WA CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 01/21/2024 01/30/2026 A23000413
    WA CE 27 27 Classroom Classroom 01/31/2023 01/30/2026 A23000413
    WA QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 01/02/2023 01/30/2026 A23000413
    WI CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 68673
    WI QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 07/20/2027 68673
    WV CE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 05/24/2027
    WV QE 30 27 3 Classroom Classroom 07/21/2024 05/24/2027
    Course Objectives
    • Develop a complete cost approach. The step-by-step process of estimating current construction cost is the focus.
    • Identify and use data sources and the comparative-unit method of cost calculation.
    • Apply the age-life and market extraction methods of estimating depreciation.
    • Apply the breakdown method for estimating depreciation, including physical deterioration, functional obsolescence, and external obsolescence.
    • Recognize elements of cost approach summation, including reconciliation of depreciation estimates.
    • Identify basic site valuation principles and how they relate to the concept of market analysis and the development of a highest and best use conclusion.

    Course Details

    Program Overview:
    Table of Contents and Overview
    Course Schedule




    ·        A financial calculator is required. The accepted model used in the program is the HP-12C. AI education programs that require a financial calculator are developed with HP-12C keystrokes; using this model is highly recommended. 

    ·         You must be familiar with calculator operation when the program begins. Do not enroll expecting to be taught how to use a financial calculator.

    ·         Free Review: Using a Financial Calculator: Formulas, Symbols, Math Review, and Sample Problems; and Financial Calculator Practice Exercises.

    ·         For additional help with the HP-12C calculator, take our online seminar Using Your HP-12C Financial Calculator.

    ·         HP-12C calculator User's Manual.

    Additional Information:

    Course Materials Include:

    • Course Handbook (428 pp.)
    • Solutions Booklet (150 pp.)
    • Self Study Problems (67 pp.)
    • Pre-Class Memo (1 p.)
    • Case Study (28 pp.)

    You will be asked to clear the calculator’s memory before and after the examination. Only one calculator is permitted in the testing room. Examinees taking most AI exams may bring their own calculator to use during the exam. Laptops, cellular phones, tablets, iPads, wearable technology (smart watch, Apple Watch, Google Glass, etc.), and other devices that can store data or connect to the Internet are NOT permitted during the exam. In addition, all watches, wallets, bags, and purses must be removed and stored out of reach prior to taking the exam.

    None specified

    Course Materials & Recommended Books
    Pricing Options
    Rate Full Price AI Price
    Today thru 04/27/2025
    $535.00 $515.00
    After 04/28/2025
    $550.00 $535.00
    Have Exam Questions?
    Additional Course Offerings
    Sponsor Date Location Format
    Appraisal Institute On Demand Online View Details Register
    Chicago Chapter September 8-11, 2025 Schaumburg, IL Classroom View Details Register
    Bluegrass Chapter October 13-16, 2025 Louisville, KY Classroom View Details Register
    Massachusetts Rhode Island and Maine Chapter October 15-18, 2025 Braintree, MA Classroom View Details Register
    Event Information

    CLASS LOCATION: 8320 Craig Street, Indianapolis, IN 46250. 

     Please note registration runs from 8:00AM to 8:30AM with instruction starting PROMPTLY at 8:30AM. Following Appraiser Qualifications Board minimum criteria requirements, 100% ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED FOR ALL APPRAISAL INSTITUTE EDUCATION PROGRAMS. Students should not be late or leave early. Those missing class times may not receive credit.

     To take advantage of a special rate the Hoosier State Chapter of the Appraisal Institute has negotiated, please mention you are with the Appraisal Institute when booking any of the following accommodations: 

    *     HILTON HOMEWOOD SUITES 2501 East 86th Street Indianapolis, IN 46240 1-800-225-5466 317-253-1919 Call Sales Department for negotiated rate - includes a large 1 bedroom suites with a separate kitchen and living room, fully renovated in 2016. All stays include a complimentary full hot breakfast, evening social M-TH, high speed internet, a workout facility & transportation to the classroom. To register online, cut and paste the following into your web browser: