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    Residential and Commercial Valuation of Solar


    The number of solar photovoltaic (PV) system installations continues to increase as the price becomes more feasible in many markets. Appraisers will find the valuation a challenge without knowledge of the technology and data available to use the most appropriate methodology. Appraisers must expand their knowledge base to understand how electricity and solar PV is priced, and to understand how solar PV systems function to develop a credible value. If you are seeking education that will hone your skills or teach you new ones, this is the course for you. Residential and commercial appraisers will work together to apply an income capitalization approach and cost approach to valuing energy produced for solar PV systems. All you need is a tablet or iPad, with Internet access, and you will use free online software to value the energy that solar systems produce.
    This is an advanced course that requires the use of a discounted cash flow analysis. Because of its difficulty, double AI CE points are awarded.
    Important Course Requirements: This course uses free, third-party software known as PV Value or Ei Value to complete the case studies. The software has been vetted by the Appraisal Institute, but course participants should have knowledge of the discounted cash flow analysis. The case studies emulate appraisal problems that appraisers face every day. For educational purposes only, the case study provides a discount rate to use in this course. Appraisers must analyze and conclude the appropriate discount rate for their market, which will change based on the local market’s view of solar and changes in kWh prices, solar production, and cost new.  
    Please note. This course does not address utility-scale solar (solar farms), solar thermal, or other on-site renewable energy generation.

    Note. This course is in the Valuation of Sustainable Buildings Professional Development Program. View this list of FAQs, which includes information regarding the courses you’ll need to complete the program successfully.

    Course Offerings
    Sponsor Date Location Format
    South Carolina Chapter February 3-4, 2025 Columbia, SC Classroom View Details Register
    Appraisal Institute On Demand Online View Details Register