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    Residential Site Valuation and Cost Approach-Florida Version

    More Info Register
    On Demand
    On Demand
    Appraisal Institute
    Appraisal Institute Government Relations
    Edward T. Molinari, SRA, AI-RRS
    Richard C. DuBay, SRPA, SRA
    Class Time
    14 hours
    Exam Time
    2 Hours
    Full Price
    AI Price
    Course Description
    This course focuses on the valuation of vacant land parcels and the development of the cost approach. Create a current cost estimate using market extraction, discover effective interview techniques, and explore information provided by professional cost data sources. An in-depth case study takes you from the origin of the appraisal assignment to a final value estimate using various cost approach applications.

    Who Should Enroll
    Those seeking residential real property appraiser licensure or certification with introductory experience and an understanding of the fundamental concepts of appraising
    AI CE Points
    Attend & Pass Exam:
    Pass Only:
    State Approvals
    State QE/CE Course & Exam Course Only Exam Only Delivery Format Approval Format Start Date Expire Date State Code
    ND QE 15 14 1 Online Online 07/03/2008 QE-2813
    TX QE 15 14 1 Online Online 06/01/2022 06/01/2025 TX Provider #8038 Course #: 27897
    VA CE 14 14 Online Online 06/02/2008
    Course Objectives
    • Identify all steps in completing a cost approach. The step-by-step process of estimating current construction cost is the focus.
    • Recognize how to use data sources and the comparative-unit method of cost calculation.
    • Apply the age-life and market extraction methods of estimating depreciation.
    • Apply the breakdown method of estimating depreciation, including physical deterioration, functional obsolescence, and external obsolescence.
    • Recognize elements of cost approach summation, including reconciliation of depreciation estimates.
    • Identify residential site valuation principles and how they relate to the concept of market analysis and the development of a highest and best use conclusion.
    • Identify the elements of comparison and the units of comparison as they are applied in the sales comparison approach for estimating site value.
    • Recognize steps in the extraction and allocation methods of site valuation.
    • Reconcile multiple site value indications to a final opinion of site value.
    Course Details

    Program Overview:

    Online Syllabus



    Additional Information:

    You will have 90 days from the time that you complete the course to take the proctored, offline exam. This examination is not available through Pearson. To set up a special proctor, please complete the application and follow this link

    Online Course Access
    Go to and log in with the username and password you used when you registered. Click on the red “My Account” button if you are not automatically taken to your account page.
    1. Click "Education and Events" on the right navigation menu.
    2. Find the course under the “Online Courses” heading and click the “Begin” button.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Once this button is clicked, your access length time (e.g. 90 days) will begin. Only click when you intend to start the course. If you are returning, once you have started the course, click the “Continue” button to continue.

    Technology-Based Education Student Disclaimer
    I agree to the terms and policies set forth under the Appraisal Institute Education Policy. I also certify that I am the person identified under Personal Data and that I will personally complete each assigned component of instruction and any examination(s). I understand and agree that if I misrepresent my identity or arrange for someone else to represent himself or herself as me at any time during the Appraisal Institute online course or seminar, I will be immediately removed from the course or seminar and I will not be entitled to any refund. I further understand that if I am a Designated member, Candidate for Designation, Associate Member, or Affiliate of the Appraisal Institute and participated in any misrepresentation of identity, by affirmative act or failure to act, I will be the subject of a peer review proceeding under Regulation No. 6 for violation of the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice of the Appraisal Institute, and such peer review proceeding may result in termination of my Appraisal Institute membership, candidacy, and/or affiliation.

    Other Details
    For information about how on demand online education programs work, registration and cancellation policies, and other details, see our On Demand Online Education Frequently Asked Questions.



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    Course Materials & Recommended Books
    Pricing Options
    Rate Full Price AI Price
    Today thru 12/31/2050
    $345.00 $290.00
    Have Exam Questions?
    Event Information
    This course is only for students who need credit in Florida.  The course content is the same as the regular version, however, the exam is different to meet Florida-specific requirements for more exam questions.