Trending Topics Series
An introduction to appraising religious properties
Most commercial appraisers take on a special use appraisal at some point in their career and with faith-based organizations reevaluating their real estate investments amid a changing landscape, it may be time to dip your toe in the water and learn some of the key elements of appraising religious properties.
The Look Ahead: Interest rate changes, industry trends, and the outlook for valuation practice in 2025
The Look Ahead: Interest rate changes, industry trends, and the outlook for valuation practice in 2025
Get Ready for the New Dynamic URAR: A Sneak Peek at the Next Chapter in Appraisal Reporting
Beyond USPAP Confidentiality: Best practices for appraisers in a high-tech world
A Discussion on External Obsolescence
ABCs of HBU: Mastering Highest and Best Use (HBU) Analysis - Applications and Challenges
New Minimum AVM Quality Control Standards
The Overturning of the Chevron Deference: Impacts on real estate valuation practices
If federal regulations become easier to challenge in court, there could be far-reaching implications, including to the rules and laws that govern the appraisal practice. Join us to explore these potential impacts and how you might best prepare.
Reconsidering How You Deal with ROVs
Lenders will have to implement new reconsideration of value (ROV) processes and policies by August 29, 2024, in alignment with new HUD and GSE guidance. Join us as we discuss what these changes mean for appraisers.
The NAR Settlement: What appraisers need to know and watch for
The NAR Settlement: What appraisers need to know and watch for
Residential Free Resources for the New Report Form
Residential appraisers have heard that the Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (URAR) and Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) are coming, and it’s clear from the government-sponsored entities (GSEs)’ timeline that the adoption of the URAR and UAD will require some level of training and adjustment for appraisers.