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    Trending Topics Series

    June 20, 2026
    An introduction to appraising religious properties

    Most commercial appraisers take on a special use appraisal at some point in their career and with faith-based organizations reevaluating their real estate investments amid a changing landscape, it may be time to dip your toe in the water and learn some of the key elements of appraising religious properties.

    June 06, 2024
    Tech You Can Use Now: Tips for making better use of Google Earth in your appraisals
    Get tips on how you can make better use of this easily accessible tool and discuss the increasing availability of new technology in the industry.
    May 02, 2024
    Part and Partial of an Appraiser's Toolkit
    You may not have worked with partial, or fractional, interest valuation yet, but this could be your opportunity to discover whether it is a relevant skill to add to your toolbox and expand your practice.
    April 26, 2024
    Property Insurance's Response to Natural Disasters
    Hear from experts in insurance, climate finance, and appraising, as they discuss what to be on the look for when taking assignments in disaster-prone areas.
    April 26, 2024
    Special (and Higher) Purpose Properties: An introduction to appraising religious properties
    Most commercial appraisers take on a special use appraisal at some point in their career and with faith-based organizations reevaluating their real estate investments amid a changing landscape, it may be time to dip your toe in the water and learn some of the key elements of appraising religious properties. 
    April 04, 2024
    The STR Dilemma: What to know about valuing them and what’s coming in 2024
    Appraisers still debate the best strategy for valuing this complicated property type. With changes in the market, appraisers can benefit from understanding how to value STRs and keeping on top of STR trends in their market.