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    The Appraisal Institute Re-launches "Face Value" Podcast

    Aug 21, 2024

    The Appraisal Institute Re-launches "Face Value" Podcast


    CHICAGO (Aug. 21, 2024) – The Appraisal Institute, the leading association of real estate appraisers, announced the re-launch of its popular “Face Value” podcast, hosted by Tonia Vailas, MAI, AI-GRS and Warren Boizot, SRA, AI-RRS. The relaunch features improved sound, video and graphics to better highlight the lively banter and professional chemistry between Boizot and Vailas that “Face Value’s” fans enjoyed over its first two seasons. 

    The preview episode of Face Value’s third season features the podcaster’s adventures as Airbnb hosts as they share ideas for this season's episodes. These range from discussing with experts seismic industry changes like the NAR commission settlement to more esoteric topics like whether artificial grass holds value. Boizot and Vailas have big ambitions for this season’s “Face Value” guests. Boizot, a self-professed reality TV fanboy, hopes for an episode with Jeff Lewis from Bravo Network's Flipping Out while Vailas aspires to host her teenage heartthrob Jonathan Knight, who has pivoted from the New Kids on the Block to real estate and reality TV.

    Listen on Spotify or watch on Youtube

    Appraiser-centric -- in line with all the Appraisal Institute’s communications -- the new Face Value podcast is targeting audiences across the wider real estate industry.  Member input and podcast ideas are welcome and encouraged, please send them to