Any use of an AI membership designation must comply with the following requirements:
- The membership designations can only be used in conjunction with the name of the individual Designated Member who achieved the designation(s).
- The membership designations must appear in capital letters and in the same type style and size in which the Designated Member’s name appears.
- The letters in each membership designation must be used without a period or space after each letter.
- If a Designated Member holds multiple membership designations, the designations must be separated by a comma, not a hyphen.
If a firm has at least one owner, partner, or employee who is a Designated Member of AI and who performs services identified by USPAP for the firm, the firm may include a statement in its promotional materials that’s similar to the following:
“(Name of firm) has as owners, partners or employees (number) individuals who hold Appraisal Institute’s (fill in) designation, and (number) individuals who hold Appraisal Institute’s (fill in) designation. Some individuals may hold more than one Appraisal Institute designation.”