Valuation of Sustainable Buildings
The demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly properties is growing.
Differentiate your business from the competition by mastering sustainability practices and showing your clients how they provide value. Applying this knowledge to your business practices can brand you as the go-to appraiser in your market.
Introduction to Green Buildings: Principles & Concepts (8 Hours)
Explore the evolution of green buildings and how they differ from conventional buildings.
Case Studies in Appraising Green Residential Buildings (8 Hours)
Learn the methods for valuing a high-performance house that will support your opinion of value. The course focuses on the valuation process when problems are encountered in appraising green properties. Examine how it applies in each of the three approaches to value.
Residential and Commercial Valuation of Solar (15 Hours)
Use free online software on your tablet or iPad and work with fellow participants applying the income and cost approaches to value the energy produced for solar PV systems.
Practical Applications in Appraising Green Commercial Properties (15 Hours)
Based on the Appraisal Institute publication The Valuation of Green Commercial Real Estate (BOOK), this course uses real-world case studies to help you determine how green building and sustainability affects property value.
Case Studies in Appraising Green Commercial Buildings (15 Hours | ONLINE ONLY)
Learn valuation techniques for this emerging property type, including how to set the scope of work and solve problems during the process. This course is an alternative to Practical Application in Appraising Green Commercial Properties.