Special President's Message

Dear all,
We are writing to inform you that as of today, September 13, Cindy Chance is no longer in her role as CEO of the Appraisal Institute. We are pleased that John Udelhofen has agreed to operate as interim CEO and look forward to working with John to ensure our mission continues unabated.
We want to reassure you that we take our mission as Directors of the Appraisal Institute seriously. We are moving forward with our progress on the top goals in our Strategic Plan to modernize our education delivery and development of new materials and continue to modernize technology and offer the programs we’ve heard are most valuable for you. As is our mandate, our efforts will remain focused on recruiting and retaining member professionals. We will continue our great work with PAREA, and our efforts in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion that include further expansion of college and university relations.
A project team will be established immediately to commence a search for a new CEO. We are committed to finding a leader who reflects the mission, vision and values of the Appraisal Institute and helps us carry forward the progress made towards our Strategic Plan goals.
We appreciate your continued membership in and support of the Appraisal Institute and look forward to updating you on our progress.
Your friend,
Sandy Adomatis, SRA