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    President's Message Sep 17, 2024

    President's Message

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    Dear all,

    We’ve heard from some of you since our announcement on Friday about our change in CEO and wanted to take a moment to address some questions and talk about the Appraisal Institute’s path forward.

    Yesterday, president-elect Paula Konikoff and I along with interim CEO John Udelhofen met in person with AI staff in Chicago. We wanted to personally talk with the team about AI's plan for the future and share our confidence in John in his interim role, as well as listen to and answer any questions they might have. They asked if we would continue the Face Value podcast, 1st and 3rd Thursday webinars and efforts to modernize our education – things we know are also on members’ minds – and the answer to all was a resounding “yes.”

    Staff said the discussion exceeded their expectations, and they are energized for the path forward. It was clear to us that staff remain committed, as is the Board, to providing the best-in-class member service for which AI is known. We are truly fortunate to have such a great group of team members working on behalf of the association.

    We also wanted to take a moment to address some rumors that have been circulating. First and foremost, know that as a board we take our fiduciary and ethical obligations very seriously. As a matter of best practice and for legal reasons, we do not comment on personnel matters for any Appraisal Institute employee, current or former. I also want to dispel speculation that certain board members may have vested interests in AMCs. Let me be very clear: No board members own or operate an AMC.

    Please also be assured that we will maintain and continue to make progress on the things that we’ve heard and know are important to members. We will continue to make strides in modernizing our educational delivery and technology, prioritizing the programs we’ve heard from you are valuable, as well as to focus on recruiting and retaining member professionals.

    It was mentioned last week that we are quickly standing up a search committee to help find a leader who reflects the mission, vision and values of the Appraisal Institute and helps us advance our Strategic Plan goals. We will keep you apprised of our progress in this search, and you’ll hear more from John in the coming week as he shares his point of view on our current objectives.

    As always, we appreciate your continued membership in and support of the Appraisal Institute.

    Your friend,
    Sandra K. Adomatis signature
    Sandy Adomatis, SRA